Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality Assessment
By staying in touch with our stakeholders, we gain valuable insights into their expectations regarding our sustainability efforts. This also helps us pinpoint important matters and evaluate how effective our sustainability measures are.
Channels of Stakeholder Engagement
Internal stakeholders (Colleagues)
- Employee survey
- Townhall meeting
- “Chit-chat with CEO”
- Leadership presentation
- Intranet and Yammer
- Company website / Social media postings
- Life+ Magazine
- Training sessions
- Stakeholder engagement exercise
- Committee / Work Group meetings
- Colleague engagement events
Hotel Guests and Restaurant Diners
- Company website / Social media postings
- Front desk and concierge personnel
- Customer satisfaction survey
- Loyalty programme
- Environmental card
- Life+ Magazine
Mall Visitors
- Concierge personnel
- Mall events and promotions
- Loyalty programme
Property Owners
- Company website / Social media postings
- Property management personnel
- Property owner satisfaction survey
- Company website / Social Media postings
- Training sessions
- Stakeholder engagement exercise
- Tenant relationship personnel
- Tenant satisfaction survey
- Chinachem sustainable finance framework
- Sustainability Report
- Company website / Social media postings
Professional Bodies
- Sustainability conference
- Regular and special meetings
- Project collaborations
- Organisational memberships
Supplier and Vendors
- Company website / Social media postings
- Stakeholder engagement exercise
- Tendering and procurement process
- Procurement team personnel
- Sustainability conference
NGOs and Community
- Sustainability conference
- Community engagement events
- Company website / Social media postings
- Organisational memberships
- Partnering of volunteering events
- Stakeholder engagement exercise
- Sustainability conference
- Community engagement events
- Project collaborations
- Regular and special meetings
- Signatories of government campaigns
- Media tea gathering
- Company website
- Press release
Comprehensive Stakeholder Engagement Exercise
To identify both current and potential impacts and to determine the materials topics that may affect the business, during the fiscal year, we commissioned Business Environment Council to carry out a comprehensive stakeholder engagement exercise.
The opinions of its stakeholders are sought through various methods such as online surveys, individual interviews and in-person focus groups. These methods were used to assess the significance of the Group’s impacts, both in terms of quantity and quality.
- An anonymous online survey was conducted aimed to allow stakeholders to rank the level of significance of the Group’s impacts on sustainability topics. In total, 152 completed responses were received from both internal and external stakeholders, accounting for 45% and 55% of total responses respectively.
- Two external focus group discussion sessions were conducted, involving a total of 23 subject matter experts across both sessions; an internal focus group discussion session was conducted, which saw the participation of 19 individuals from different business units and departments.
- One individual interview with a branding company was held, focusing on the value proposition of sustainability.
Materiality Assessment
A comprehensive list of sustainability topics was compiled by gathering information from various sources, including results obtained from the comprehensive stakeholder engagement exercise, the Group’s past sustainability reports, as well as other relevant documents such as the CCG 3050+ roadmap. Additionally, international and local sustainability / ESG reporting frameworks were referenced, including but not limited to the latest ESG Reporting Guide issued by the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited. This report is also prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (“GRI”) Standards. In order to reflect international best practices in sustainability reporting, the Group has made reference to double materiality concept outlined in GRI, and taken into account both inward and outward impacts within its materiality assessment process. The financially material topics that management deemed most likely to generate or diminish the Group’s enterprise value have been duly acknowledged and thoroughly discussed as part of our enterprise risk management process.
To ensure a thorough analysis, benchmarking against peer organisations was conducted. The materiality assessment process involved context identification, impact prioritisation and validation and the results of the materiality assessment are reflected in the table.
Chinachem Group Sustainability Report Strategic Topics | |
1 Sustainable Building | 8 Development and Training |
2 Energy Use and Conservation | 9 Greenhouse Gas Emission |
3 Waste Management | 10 Corporate Governance |
4 Material Management and Selection | 11 Climate Resilience |
5 Community Involvement | 12 Stakeholder Engagement |
6 Technology and Innovation | 13 Tenant and Customer Engagement |
7 Water Consumption and Conservation |