Introducing Our New 《LIFE+》 Magazine


Autumn and Winter are upon us, a period of natural transition when the landscape signals its adaptation to the changing climate, by a show of golden colours. 


Change in climate of a different nature, was a theme throughout our recent Chinachem Group Sustainability Conference, where more than 3,000 gathered in person and online to listen and take part in a series of discussions entitled, “Integrating Sustainability Solutions towards a Resilient Future”. 


LIFE+ sat down with two of those speaking at the event, and within this edition you can learn from entrepreneur Rosie Chan on how to tackle the problem of food waste in Hong Kong through the deployment of captive Black Soldier Fly larvae. And Professor Christine Loh explained to us the need for a deeper pool of green finance, to support the looming requirement for landlords to retrofit existing buildings to a higher standard of health and efficiency. 


This edition of LIFE+ comes to you from an area which in itself is enjoying transition. Ho Man Tin, sometimes described as a Garden City, is a largely residential area and site of Chinachem Group’s newest development, In One. We heard from interior designer of its Clubhouses, Kevin Leung on how the Danish term hygge, pronounced hooga, has inspired his designs, as well as landscape designer Albert Cheng on building an environment where natural ecosystems integrate with social spaces. 


Quiet is at the opposite end of the scale to what’s taking place on December 8th in the West Kowloon Cultural District. For the second year in a row, Chinachem presents the “One Beat. One World: Connecting Through the Drum” Carnival and 5G Live Concert, a part of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra’s signature Drum Festival. Appearing this year are tap dancers, Rhythm & Tempo, who shared their inspirations with us in this issue.


And finally, this edition sees change within Chinachem Group itself. Previously an Independent Non-Executive Director of the company, Andy Cheung has recently taken over as CEO of the Group. In this issue, Andy sat down with a few of the team and shared thoughts on the future. 


From the entire LIFE+ team, we hope you enjoy this edition.

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