Reimaging the Learning Experience to Encourage Continuous Learning


The requirements for skills and expertise are constantly changing due to the emergence of new opportunities and trends. We have made significant efforts to ensure that our colleagues are well- prepared to tackle the challenges faced by the Group.

Our colleagues can benefit from reimbursement for external training, as well as professional membership or qualification examination fees. Additionally, paid leave will be granted to accommodate any examination or course schedules.

To aid our colleagues’ upskilling journey, we have launched a CCG E-learning platform this year with courses covering a wide range of topics. Several topics are discussed, including the prevention of corruption, anti-money laundering and counter- terrorism financing, employee conduct and business ethics, market conduct and fraud, privacy, confidentiality and information security.

Places with Heart Academy is a platform that focuses on capacity building to promote innovative business approaches among our colleagues. We organise seminars, invite keynote speakers and engage in dialogues to ensure our colleagues receive the most recent business insights and information. This helps prepare our colleagues for the complexities of the ever-changing market. Places with Heart Academy also facilitates knowledge empowerment in various fields, including sustainability, technology, the Greater Bay Area, digitalisation, healthcare innovation, business modelling and social impact measurement and management.

The ability to implement ESG practices in daily work and decision-making is a crucial skill for the future workforce to acquire. To equip our colleagues with the necessary ESG skillset and mindset, we regularly organise ESG talks to update our colleagues on regulatory changes in the environment, such as details about municipal solid waste charging and plastic bag levy plans. We also invite representatives from construction companies to share their insights into green construction, including their experience of constructing the Organic Resources Recovery Centre Phase 2 (“O·PARK2”) and relocating Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works to caverns.


Innovation Ambassador Programme - Cohort 2

The Innovation Ambassador Programme (“the IAP”) is a nine-month innovation workshop co-organised with the University of Hong Kong Business School Executive Education. IAP is a valuable and enriching experience that allows colleagues to co-learn and co-create innovative solutions to both business and societal challenges and ignite the entrepreneurial spirit within our workforce.


In Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 of IAP, a total of 36 and 28 colleagues respectively, from different departments participated in the program and formed groups to pitch their innovative solutions to the leadership team. Two of the proposals suggested adding the plug-in service to the Group’s existing Elderly Care service and the upcoming CCG Hearts project. These solutions were recommended to optimise resources, create new business opportunities and align with our commitment to 3Ps.


This programme has prompted me to think out of the box and use innovation as a force of change! I gained great confidence after joining the programme, and I am ready to tackle the big challenges we are facing now.

Charles Chui


I have never thought that social innovation can bring so much positive changes to our community, so this programme has definitely broadened my horizons. I have also made a lot of life- long friends, as I grew in this programme together with many like-minded peers.

Samson Kwok


Performance Highlights

77,351 hours

Average Hours of Training, by category



Average Training Hours per Colleague


26.8 Female
22.8 Male

Average Hours of Training, by gender


32.1 Senior Management
38.2 Management
22.3 General

Average Hours of Training, by category

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